In the days leading up to the world premiere as the opening film for CineKink 2013, REMEDY director Cheyenne Picardo was interviewed by Filmmaker Magazine. Click here to read the article!
REMEDY was awarded Best Narrative Feature
The CineKink Festival was an ideal venue for Remedy’s premiere, and we were honored to be selected to open the festival on February 27 to a packed house at the Anthology Archives.
Said the festival founder, Lisa Vanderver: Remedy is precisely the type of film we exist for, and it feels very fitting to have it open our milestone, tenth season,” said Lisa Vandever, co-founder and director of CineKink. “Cheyenne has done an amazing job at creating a colorful yet sympathetic look at some of the characters that inhabit the city’s kinky landscape, conveying both the fun and self-discovery that can be found within it, and the importance of knowing where your trust is best placed.
We continue to spread the REMEDY word far as we put some more polish on the cut. Visit us frequently for updates!